Thursday, March 27, 2008

Finding your place in the sun

is not as easy as getting a tan. Did I just say that? Haha. I thought it sounded good. Anyway I just thought of letting my thoughts out of my crowded mind. I think they're bcoming a little bit crowded up there, not very insightful thoughts even, perhaps there were at first but you know the story of rotten tomatoes and perfectly plump and healthy ones stuck in the same basket right? So I'm just gonna write, anything and everything that I can snatch out of my thoughts, no editing, just a long blab. My right shoulder blade hurts like hell. Does hell hurt? Does it inflict pain or does it receive pain?
Well, that wasn't so bad, now I'm reminded of hell closing and again of Lucifer in a beach and his scars running parallel on his back, and him appreciating the sunset.
But my back intrudes on my thoughts again. It hurts! Like hell!